uTorrent是一款小巧的BT客户端程序,拥有常见的功能,但是不支持UDP的tracker服务器.内网下载方面也有不错的表现,外网就更不用提 了.支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持UPnP,支持流 行的BT扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持DHT.最小内存占用仅6MB!
- Feature: gui.log_date for logging date in Logger lines
- Feature: add 'complete', 'incomplete' and 'external ip' to internal tracker
- Feature: net.calc_overhead to add TCP/IP overhead calculation to rate measure
- Change: Merge General and Transfer tabs
- Change: send webui response as 'application/x-json'
- Change: log about invalid lines in ipfilter (in misc errors)
- Change: keep old computer ids, to reduce scam warning on valid ID switch
- Change: remove 0x8000 flag from peerid
- Fix: internal tracker
- Fix: give the Speed Guide a title
- Fix: ipfilter would not drop some peers on reload
- Fix: GDI memory leak when changing torrents
- Fix: several (minor) UPnP bugs when enabling/disabling and/or chaning the port
- Fix: Minor memory leak involving help file downloader
- Fix: GDI handle leak on resize
- Fix: grid lines on speed graph were off-by-one
下载:µTorrent 1.8 Build 10054 Beta